Report Builder Launch Webinar

May 17, 2022 11 AM PT | 2 PM ET Your Desk!

Join members of Quantivate's Education, Product, and Sales Engineering Teams as they demonstrate how Report Builder works and answer any audience questions live. Learn how Report Builder will bring insights to your institution faster than ever before by registering in the sidebar.

Wayne Wayson

Education Lead, Quantivate

Wayne leads Quantivate's Education team. His expertise and educational background will enable him to host the webinar and lead the Report Builder demonstration.


Cory Fishbaugh

Product Manager, Quantivate

Cory worked to bring Report Builder to life as the Lead Product Manager. His expertise will enable him to answer any in-depth questions about Report Builder and what we have planned for it in the future.


Mark Callender

Sales Engineer, Quantivate

Mark is Quantivate's lead Sales Engineer and knows Quantivate software better than anyone. His expertise will enable him to answer questions that fall outside of Report Builder.